Saturday 28 January 2017

5 Amazing Benefits of Aromatherapy

Expert Author Margaret Le Monnier
Aromatherapy is fast becoming popular in the western world. If you are familiar with it, then it wouldn't surprise you that many people are now very enthusiastic about aromatherapy. Spas and massage parlors everywhere offer aromatherapy for people to enjoy the amazing benefits. You can readily buy all the supplies that you need in any leading spas or health food stores in your vicinity, if you have a participant to give a massage to or have some-one who can massage you.
Aromatherapy is not just meant for relaxation. Believe it or not, several studies show that aromatherapy can serve as an aid for different kinds of ailments. It is considered a healing therapy that helps to lessen body discomfort with the use of oils and aromas. Are you ready to start your very own aromatherapy session? First, here are the benefits that you may receive from the massage.
1. Aromatherapy will improve your mood.
One essential oil that is used in aromatherapy is rosemary. So many studies have shown that rosemary helps in boosting one's mood and it provides a feeling of contentment. In addition, it also regulates the production of cortisol, also known as the stress hormone.
2. Aromatherapy may induce good sleep.
Trouble sleeping? Then aromatherapy can be the answer to your sleeping problem. No need to toss and turn on your bed or pop sleeping pills to get a decent sleep. Aromatherapy can help you with this. Essential oils used in aromatherapy will help stimulate your brain, specifically your limbic system. In effect, it will relax your nerves and your entire body making you feel refreshed and also relaxed and calm at the same time. Later you will be ready for a good night of restful sleep.
3. Aromatherapy will improve your skin.
Aromatherapy aids several skin conditions. Use Jojoba oil as it is the nearest thing to natural sebum, found naturally in our skin. If you have dry skin, say goodbye to your flaky complexion by using essential aromatherapy oils. Aromatherapy can help you maintain a moist and youthful skin. Other serious skin conditions such as psoriasis and eczema may be aided too.
4. Aromatherapy may help relieve asthma.
Suffering from chronic wheezing and consistent coughing due to asthma? Worry no more because aromatherapy can free your lungs from discomfort and irritation. When massaged by a professional therapist, aromatherapy can aid your asthma with the use of ginger and peppermint essential oils which are known to be decongestant oils. These oils, are diluted in to carrier oils, are also considered anti-histamines.
5. Aromatherapy may lessen PMS symptoms.
Premenstrual syndrome is a condition that most women suffer from sometime during their life. Due to the symptoms brought about by PMS, some women go through physical and emotional problems. If you are among these women who are having a hard time during their monthly period, aromatherapy could be the solution to your problem. The relaxation that one may get through aromatherapy can help lessen PMS symptoms such as mood swings, depression, and irritability.
Aromatherapy may serve as a gentle alternative in healing certain conditions. Why pollute your body with countless pills that contain harmful chemicals if you can enjoy better alternatives such as aromatherapy? There are so many professional health care providers who recommend aromatherapy so if you are suffering from any kind of discomfort, take advantage of the amazing benefits that this relaxing treatment can offer.
Margaret Le Monnier has over 20 years-experience as a qualified natural health professional in the UK. She is well known for giving intuitive and expert advice to people regarding natural approaches to correcting a wide range of illnesses and conditions. Margaret is now writing articles for a website solely devoted to bringing a comprehensive range of natural health advice to everyone. To find out more about aromatherapy visit her website at Natural Health 4 Life

Saturday 21 January 2017

12 Steps To Creating A Truly Happy And Fulfilled Life In 2017

Today we want to give you something special. We’ve decided to get some insights from someone who’s a good friend of ours.
The new year can mean new beginnings, true or true? Here’s your chance to turn over a fresh page in 2017 and have one of your best years yet.
12 Steps To Creating A Truly Happy And Fulfilled Life In 2017
by Sonia Ricotti
1. WRITE OUT YOUR GOALS. Take the time to do this one very important and crucial exercise. What do you want to accomplish in the next 30 days? Don’t just think about it or talk about it, write it down!
Studies have shown that the simple act of taking the time to write out your goals will dramatically increase the likelihood of achieving those goals!
So write, write, write!

2. LET GO OF “WHAT WAS”. It’s time to let go of the past (just leave it behind). Let’s face it, you can’t change the past. In fact, the past doesn’t even exist anymore. The only place it exists is in your mind.
Let it go. Learn the lessons, look for the silver-linings, and be grateful for what “is” today and what will be tomorrow…oooooohhhhh great things are waiting for you (if you are willing to “receive” them). It’s almost impossible to “receive” anything new and great when you’re holding on to the negative stuff from the past.
LET GO and move on. It’s time.
3. FORGIVE. Are you holding on to any resentment, anger or regret toward someone? It’s time to forgive, and again, let go.
The only person you hurt when you don’t forgive, is yourself.
Don’t let anyone rent space in your head.
Who knows why people do what they do or say what they say (sometimes they don’t even know themselves). Stop trying to analyze it and make it mean something it doesn’t. That’s just wasted energy. Just forgive and move on. Be the bigger person.
Sometimes, we need to forgive ourselves for something we’ve done or said; if that’s the case, forgive yourself and move on. No one’s perfect. We all make mistakes and have done and said things we are not proud of – let it go (as per #2 above) and forgive yourself.
Today is a new day. Choose to be the best person you can be, starting this day forward.
4. LIVE “OUTSIDE” THE BOX. Don’t follow the “crowd”. Most people are unhappy with their lives (according to studies). Be courageous and follow the path to your dream life (not your neighbors dream life, your parents’ dream life or society’s dream life)…this is YOUR life. YOU are the steering wheel of your life as Harv says, no one else is (unless you allow them to be).
5. ENJOY THE JOURNEY. Why? Because the “journey” is your life! Sometimes we focus so much on the end result or the “goal” we wish to achieve, that we are not even enjoying the journey it takes to get there. If you’re really hating the journey, then maybe it’s time to make some changes in your life and/or your goal.
6. FAIL FORWARD. Most people are afraid to try something new because they are afraid to fail. Remember, the most successful people on this planet failed way more than the “average” person. In fact, if you ask any super successful person, they’ll tell you how they failed A LOT!
Why did they become successful? Because, they never gave up.
Don’t ever let the fear of “failure” get in the way of living your dreams. If you fail, simply get back up, brush yourself off, learn the lessons you need to learn (that’s important), adjust your path and move forward…always move forward.
7. EAT HEALTHY AND BE ACTIVE. You only have this one body. Remember, if you get sick, you can’t trade it in for a new one.
What you do to your body today has a huge impact on how long you live and the quality of life you will lead in the future. Don’t wait until it’s too late. Start now.
8. BE THE MOST POSITIVE PERSON YOU KNOW. The words you use when you communicate with others, reflects your thoughts on the inside.
What you think about, you become.
Don’t get caught up in negative conversations or gossip with others. In fact, stay away from negative people altogether. They are “energy drainers”. They do not elevate you or your life. Remember, negativity is contagious and toxic — stay away from it. It will be difficult to manifest great things in your life being exposed to that negative energy.
Like Oprah says, “Be responsible for the energy you bring into a room.”
9. CREATE YOUR OWN “CIRCLE OF LIGHT”. Surround yourself with positive, highly evolved, loving people who elevate you.
Make it a priority that you will hang out with great, positive and loving people in 2017. Sometimes it’s hard to find those people in your immediate social surroundings, if that’s the case, step “outside the box” and go find them.
Join a fun and positive “meetup” group or a special group in your local area that focuses on “inspiration” or on a topic that revolves around living a “big” positive life.
10. LOVE MORE. Make it a priority to always come from a place of love. Whether you are standing in the grocery line, stuck in traffic, or having a conversation with a co-worker, family member or a friend, coming from this love “state” not only affects how you feel, it affects how others feel around you too.
How do you do that? Simply ask yourself “If I were coming from a place of love right now, how would I act?” and then do that.
Sometimes it can simply be acknowledging another person with a big genuine smile, giving a compliment or just refraining from getting into a confrontation when you’re placed in a negative situation.
11. GO WITHIN AND GET REALLY CONNECTED TO “SOURCE” (or the God of your understanding). Simply be still, be present and go within. Meditation is a phenomenal way to do that. There’s no better way to elevate your vibration, feel true inner peace and get the answers, solutions and guidance you are looking for.
AND last but not least…
12. FOCUS ON WHAT’S IMPORTANT. Sometimes we get so consumed on the little things or we are so focused on achieving a specific goal, that we neglect the bigger and more important things in our life. Often, we don’t realize that — until it’s too late.
So what’s important?
RELATIONSHIPS – that is the most important “thing” in our lives. Don’t neglect, ignore, or dismiss the people who mean the most to you.
They won’t always be there.
Remember, life is short, don’t find out the hard way to learn this lesson (like many people do).
What do you think about this list? Can you relate to any? We want to hear from you!


Monday 16 January 2017

7 Ways Grapefruit Essential Oil Can Boost Your Health


Long associated with dieting and weight loss, grapefruit has so much more going for it than that! Originally known as the “forbidden fruit of Barbados” when it was first described in the 18th century, grapefruit is packed full of nutrients and anti-cancer potential. Interestingly, grapefruit essential oil has even more healing applications than the slightly bitter fruit. In this article you will discover just how healing a single bottle of grapefruit essential oil can be.
Grapefruit (Citrus paradisi, or fruit of paradise) belongs to the Rutaceae (citrus) family of plants. The essential oil is mechanically cold pressed from the rind of the fruit. Grapefruit contains oil glands which are located much deeper in the peel than in other citrus fruits, and this makes it a bit more difficult to extract the oil. The oil yield is also far less than with other citrus fruit essential oils. These factors combined mean that grapefruit oil is a bit more expensive than lemon or orange. Grapefruit oil smells exactly like the fruit − fresh and zesty but also slightly bitter.

Historical Use of Grapefruit

Grapefruit has been used for hundreds of years for its many healing benefits. Our ancestors used it as an antiseptic wash for sore throats and for skin blemishes. It is well known as a dieter’s best friend for its ability to dissolve fat and cellulite. Being a natural diuretic, it assists the body in getting rid of excess water. In Ayurvedic medicine, grapefruit is a remedy for digestive problems as it stimulates the gall bladder, and assists in the secretion of bile. Grapefruit even helps to reduce depression with its light citrus aroma. It boosts immunity, is a potent antioxidant, soothes inflammation, increases metabolism, is a natural kidney, liver, and lymphatic cleanser, and helps to heal urinary tract infections and yeast overgrowth.

Grapefruit Oil and its Beneficial Phytochemicals

The most abundant phytochemical (all natural, plant-based chemical) in grapefruit essential oil is limonene, at about 88 to 95%. Limonene has a startling amount of research which indicates its usefulness against cancer and other diseases. Indeed, research has been carried out on limonene since the 1970s.
The phytochemical profile from grapefruit essential oil is rather impressive. All of these phytochemicals are backed by research indicating their usefulness for varied health conditions. Besides limonene, grapefruit oil also contains beta-myrcene, linalool, alpha-pinene, beta-caryophyllene, citronellol, farnesol and trace amounts of several other phytochemicals.

7 Ways Grapefruit Essential Oil Can Boost Your Health

Much research has been carried out on the healing properties of grapefruit essential oil, as well as the fruit. Here are some of the best research studies on the health and healing effects of grapefruit essential oil:

#1. Anti-Inflammatory

A number of studies make reference to the anti-inflammatory properties of grapefruit. One of the latest, a 2016 research study reported in the Pakistan Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, stated that the anti-inflammatory properties of grapefruit juice was helpful for the management of inflammatory bowel disease when given to animals. While that study was on grapefruit juice, what is in the juice is also in the essential oil!
A 2010 Chinese study found that limonene, the major phytochemical within grapefruit, had a number of inhibitory effects on several pro-inflammatory substances in the body.

#2. Anti-Cancer

A 2016 Egyptian study stated that grapefruit has a high polyphenol content. Polyphenols are active anti-cancer, antioxidant phytochemicals. These researchers also found that grapefruit was protective to genes and DNA, and has immune stimulating properties.
A 2014 study reported in Cancer Prevention Research by American and English researchers found that limonene had a positive effect on the breast tumors of early-stage breast cancer patients. Limonene caused a significant decrease in adrenal steroid hormones, important for those whose tumors are driven by estrogen, a hormone that is created, in part, in the adrenal gland. Limonene also decreased a protein known as cyclin D1, involved with the regulation of cells. Cyclin D1 is overexpressed in more than 50% of breast tumors.
In 2011, Canadian researchers studied the effects of apigenin, a flavone found in (amongst other foods) grapefruit, on four different breast cancer cell lines. They found that apigenin had the potential to slow or prevent breast cancer cell progression.
A 2012 mouse study undertaken by Mexican researchers examined pregnant mice given toxic levels of cadmium, followed by grapefruit. They discovered that the grapefruit conferred genotoxic protection, meaning it protected the DNA of the mice from the toxicity of cadmium. This may have applications for cancer prevention as well, since DNA damage is part of the process of carcinogenesis (generation of cancer). It is well known that all of the effects of carcinogenic (cancer causing) chemicals on the production of tumors can be accounted for by the DNA damage they cause. Much of this is from errors introduced into the DNA during the effort by cells to repair this damage.
An older 1996 study found that the flavonoid content of grapefruit inhibited cell proliferation (rapid growth) and development of mammary tumors in rats with triple negative breast cancer. This type of breast cancer is so named due to its lack of estrogen or progesterone receptors, or by the overexpression of the HER2 oncoprotein.

#3. Antiseptic, Antibacterial, Antifungal

2011 research published in International Journal of Food Science & Technologyfound that essential oil of grapefruit showed a wide spectrum of antimicrobial activity against some very nasty bugs. Tested were the following:
  • Staphylococcus aureus (golden staph), an opportunistic and virulent bug causing wide-ranging infections
  • Enterococcus faecalis, which causes intestinal flu
  • Staphylococcus epidermidis, a skin infection usually picked up in hospitals
  • Escherichia coli, which causes various infections and bloody diarrhea
  • Salmonella typhimurium, responsible for food poisoning and gastroenteritis
  • Serratia marcescens, which can cause infections in the urinary tract, respiratory tract, wounds, and the eye
  • Proteus vulgaris, which causes recurrent urinary tract infections
Grapefruit oil was able to inhibit all of these nasty bugs.
2009 research by German scientists investigating a number of essential oils found grapefruit oil to be effective against six strains of Staphylococci. These include Multi Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA), four Streptococcus strains, and three Candida strains including Candida krusei. Researchers noted that “essential oils represent a cheap and effective antiseptic topical treatment option even for antibiotic-resistant strains as MRSA and antimycotic-resistant Candida species.”

#4. Weight Loss

Grapefruit has been used for decades for weight loss purposes. The “Grapefruit Diet” or Hollywood diet has been around since at least the 1930s and involves having a grapefruit or grapefruit juice along with each meal for 12 days. Does grapefruit really help with weight loss though? Several small studies would indicate it does…
Japanese research on rats and mice published in 2014 indicated grapefruit oil had a stimulatory effect on the sympathetic nervous system. The animals given grapefruit oil exhibited an increase in fat breakdown, increased body temperature (thermogenesis) and a decrease in food intake, all of which led to a loss of weight.
A randomized, controlled study on actual people, published in the Journal of Medicinal Food in 2006 by American researchers, found that consumption of fresh grapefruit did lead to weight loss. An average of 3.5 lbs (1.6 kg) was lost by study participants after 12 weeks. Insulin resistance was also improved for the participants.

#5. Reduces Blood Pressure

In 2009, Mexican researchers found that grapefruit extract and juice decreased blood pressure in those suffering from hypertension and also for normal, healthy patients.

#6. Reduces Cholesterol Levels

Pakistani researchers reported in 2016 the results of an animal study. The test subjects were fed both orange and grapefruit and subsequently showed “a highly significant” decline in cholesterol, LDL levels, and triglycerides, as well as a rise in HDL (the “good” cholesterol).
In addition, French researchers in 2012 discovered that naringin, a flavonoid from grapefruit, had a protective effect on the vascular systems of mice fed a high-fat diet. It reduced “bad” cholesterol concentrations, and even changed genes associated with atherosclerosis progression.

#7. Stress, Fatigue, Depression

Interesting 2015 research reported in Cancer Prevention Research found that limonene administration caused a significant decrease in adrenal steroid hormones. When a person is under stress, the adrenal glands produce large quantities of the steroid hormone cortisol. When cortisol is elevated for long periods of time, this has the potential to cause a variety of health complaints ranging from impaired immunity to chronic fatigue, sleep disturbances, and depression.
Grapefruit has been found to be useful for easing stress and lifting moods in other ways as well. Japanese researchers reported in 2001 that grapefruit essential oil inhibits an enzyme known as acetylcholinesterase (AChE). The role of AChE is to break down a neurotransmitter in the brain known as acetylcholine. Because grapefruit inhibits the enzyme AchE, this causes acetylcholine levels to rise, and its duration of action increases. This then results in mood improvement, less fatigue, decreased brain fog, less stress and depression.

Conflicting Information About Grapefruit and Estrogen

One 2007 American study done at the University of Hawaii found that eating grapefruit might increase the risk of breast cancer in postmenopausal women. Grapefruit contains something called coumarins and furanocoumarins. These substances can inhibit an intestinal enzyme known as cytochrome P450. This enzyme is involved with the breakdown and metabolism of estrogen in the body, and also many pharmaceutical drugs. Researchers found that eating one-quarter or more of a grapefruit per day was significantly associated with an increased risk of breast cancer.
To counter that research, however, a newer 2014 study undertaken by researchers at University of North Carolina at Greensboro found that naringenin, a flavanone (a type of flavonoid) found in grapefruit inhibited two breast tumor cell proliferation pathways in MCF-7 breast cancer cells. This line of cells is estrogen-receptor positive, progesterone-receptor positive, infiltrating ductal carcinoma (one of the most common types of breast cancer). Naringenin combined with the estrogen-blocking drug tamoxifen quite effectively impaired proliferation and induced apoptosis (programmed cell death) in tumor cells. So in this study, naringenin from grapefruit was beneficial for breast tumors and did not deactivate tamoxifen. In fact, naringenin helped tamoxifen perform its job of blocking estrogen.
What about grapefruit essential oil? Will it inhibit cytochrome P450 like grapefruit juice does? Keep reading!

The Grapefruit Juice Effect

The enzyme cytochrome P450 also plays a huge role in the breakdown of drugs in the body and it does this primarily in the intestines. Many drugs come with a warning that grapefruit juice should be avoided when taking these particular drugs for this very reason. Grapefruit is known to increase the bioavailability of more than 85 pharmaceutical drugs.
That MAY not be the case for grapefruit essential oil, however, because unless it is ingested, it does not pass through the intestinal tract. Grapefruit oil that is inhaled or applied to the skin would probably not affect the intestinal P450 enzyme system. Until more is known, however, if taking one of the drugs that advises grapefruit juice should be avoided − make sure not to take grapefruit oil internally by mouth, or avoid it altogether.

How Not to Get a Grapefruit Sunburn

Be aware that applying grapefruit essential oil to your skin and then going out into the sunlight might result in a sunburn. The furocoumarins in grapefruit can make it more susceptible to UV radiation. If applying grapefruit oil (or other citrus oils) to the skin, avoid sunlight exposure to those areas for 12 hours.

A Final Word of Caution When Using Grapefruit Essential Oil

It’s a very good idea if using essential oils for health improvement, to know where your essential oils come from. In particular ensure that the plant or fruit has not been sprayed with pesticides, or other harmful chemicals. Pesticide residue will concentrate in the rind of citrus fruit and since this is where the essential oil comes from, any essential oil from non-organic citrus fruit would be harmful rather than helpful. Please avoid any essential oils from companies that do not tell you how the fruit for their oils is grown. High quality organic essential oils are always your best bet!

[-] Sources and References

Friday 13 January 2017

Health Benefits Of Turmeric

Some of the most important health benefits of turmeric include its ability to heal wounds, protect cognitive abilities, ease menstrual difficulties, reduce inflammation, eliminate depression, alleviate pain, slow the aging process, protect the digestive tract, and prevent cancer.


Closely related to other members of the ginger family, turmeric is a perennial herb that is native to India and has the scientific name of Curcuma longa. The herb itself is derived from the rhizome of the plant, which is dried before the useful powdered form can be acquired. It needs a rather specific temperature and environment to thrive, so it is not widely cultivated throughout the world, but it is exported around the globe due to its desirability. The color of turmeric powder is perhaps the most striking characteristic, as it is bright yellow. You’ve certainly seen it, even if you haven’t recognized it, and if you have ever enjoyed Indian food, you have almost certainly consumed it.
Turmeric smells slightly like mustard but has a hot, almost pepper-like bitterness to it that complements a variety of dishes and makes turmeric very popular in soups, sauces, curries, meat dishes, biscuits, rice preparations, and as a general spice flavoring for dozens of other cultural dishes and specialties. Aside from its wide usage in food preparation, it has also been praised as one of the most comprehensive and powerful herbal medicines in Ayurvedic treatments and other traditional cultural remedies. Curcumin is the most important and active ingredient of this “super herb”. Turmeric juice is perhaps the most common form of the herb in medical use, but it can also be mixed into topical salves and creams. The essential oil of turmeric is also a powerful health agent, but the entire list of the health benefits of turmeric essential oil can be found on its own page within Organic Facts. For now, let’s look at the health benefits of turmeric itself.

Health Benefits Of Turmeric

Anti-Inflammatory Capacity: One of the most well-known applications of turmeric is as an anti-inflammatory agent. The active ingredients in turmeric are extensive, but a particularly crucial compound is curcumin. This substance has received considerable attention in the medical community due to its potent anti-inflammatory abilities. in fact, the strength of this substance is likened to some of the strongest pharmaceutical options for reducing inflammation. For this reason, consuming turmeric is often suggested for the reduction of arthritic pain, gout, and muscle pain following exercise or injury. Turmeric can achieve this relief in either topical form or when normally consumed. A topical salve can also be made to reduce the inflammation of hemorrhoids.

Gastrointestinal Issues: Turmeric has long been used as a stomach soother, and is particularly useful for constipation, cramping, and irritable bowel syndrome. The anti-inflammatory activity of curcumin also comes into play here, as it lowers the chances of developing ulcers, bleeding in the bowels, and generally eliminates irritation throughout the gut. Turmeric is often recommended for patients suffering from Inflammatory Bowel Disease and even more serious conditions, such as Crohn’s disease. The dietary fiber content found in turmeric, although not off the charts, is still significant and can help smooth your digestive processes.
Menstrual Issues: If you suffer from severe menstrual discomfort, cramping, bloating, excessive bleeding, or mood swings, turmeric may be precisely what you’ve been looking for. The anti-inflammatory and soothing nature of the herb’s natural compounds can relieve most symptoms of menstruation.
Cystic Fibrosis: Although this crippling, fatal disease is not discussed as often as cancer or heart disease, this particular condition attacks the lungs with thick mucus, as well as the pancreas. The curcumin found in turmeric has been shown to correct the protein-folding mutation that can cause the development of this deadly disease.
Cancer Treatment and Prevention: It seems that the whole world is searching for a cure for cancer, as well they should be, and turmeric is one of the best herbal approaches to the treatment or prevention of various types of cancer. Curcumin is a powerful antioxidant agent that has been directly linked with a reduction in colon cancer cells and is also a direct inhibitor for a protein that is essential for tumor growth. This makes turmeric a wonderful addition to any diet as a preventative measure and as a means of slowing metastasis of cancerous growth. The most extensive research on turmeric’s cancer prevention effects has been on colon cancer, but other types of cancer research related to curcumin are currently underway.
Detoxification of the Body: Turmeric and its active organic compounds have also been found to improve liver function and reduce the levels of toxicity in the body. By stimulating the lymphatic system and ensuring that toxins are removed efficiently, the antioxidant activities of turmeric are an ideal solution for liver ailments or toxicity.
Heart Health: There are a few different angles by which turmeric can boost your cardiovascular health – curcumin and vitamin B6. Vitamin B6 can efficiently inhibit the production of homocysteine, which is a negative bodily byproduct that seriously damages cell walls. These weakened walls can cause a number of complications in the heart, particularly when exacerbated by high blood pressure or plaque build-up. Secondly, curcumin directly balances your cholesterol levels by eliminating excess LDL (“bad cholesterol”) from the arteries and blood vessels. This can help to prevent atherosclerosis, so when combined with stronger blood vessels, turmeric represents a comprehensive solution for a wide range of heart issues.

Cognitive Abilities: In traditional medicine, turmeric was often relied on to boost cognitive abilities, increase concentration, and boost memory retention. Many of those traditional beliefs have ended up being legitimated by research, and turmeric is still considered a brain boosting herb. Aside from increasing general cognitive ability, it can also protect the neural pathways from long-term oxidative stress and the build-up of plaque. As a powerful antioxidant herb, turmeric can stimulate neural activity and prevent cognitive degradations, which often comes in the form of Alzheimer’s and dementia. Numerous studies have shown that curcumin is highly efficient in clearing out amyloid plaque, which is a major indication of Alzheimer’s progression.

Depression: Curcumin truly is a versatile substance, and the research has even stretched into its effects on the hormonal balance in the body. Studies have shown that curcumin has a similar effect as Prozac on patients suffering from depression, mood swings, anxiety, and stress. This makes it a powerful alternative to pharmaceutical routes, which often have dangerous or addictive side effects.
A Final Word of Warning: Although not commonly considered to be an allergenic substance, turmeric can have certain side effects on the body, including nausea, dizziness, or diarrhea, particularly when consumed in large quantities. In limited cases, excessive amounts of turmeric consumed in a medicinal capacity has caused heart irregularities. Always speak to a medical professional before adding a powerful substance to your diet or supplement regiment, and remember – everything should be taken in moderation!


Thursday 12 January 2017

Tony Robbins Helps You Train Your Brain To Stay Focused

Learn how to control and manage your state to help direct the focus of your mind. Change your mental focus. What are you paying attention to? How are you paying attention to things to make you feel great?

12 Ways to Prepare For a Detox Cleanse

A sad fact in today’s modern culture is that everyone’s body is toxic. More than 80,000 hazardous chemicals pollute the air we breathe, water we drink, food we eat, skin care we use, and household cleaning products we disinfect with. We are flooded with these contaminants and our bodies struggle to flush out the toxins. Maximizing health in the 21st century requires periodic cleansing cycles to help clear these toxins from our systems.
Researchers propose that the average person carries more than 700 known toxins in their body within all organ systems including blood, skin, brain tissue, liver, fat tissue and digestive tract. Any one of these toxins may increase the risk of developing chronic illness and cancer.

12 Strategies to Get the Best Detox Cleanse Possible

Before you begin any cleansing fast or body detox to eliminate the contaminants you’re carrying, here are 12 ways you can prepare to get the most benefit from your cleansing strategy.
1. Get Your Mind Right:
Preparing your mind is the first and one of the best things you can do before beginning a cleansing fast or detox. Cleanses can be difficult as they generate both mental and emotional triggers which can be challenging. Create a supportive environment by sharing your intentions with family and friends and approach the fast with peace of mind.
2. Eat Healthy Protein and Fats:
Eating a balanced diet loaded with healthy protein and fats is a great way to regulate blood sugar levels and avoid a spike in stress hormones during a detox. Prepare your body before a detox cleanse by eating such foods as grass-fed beef and butter, organic poultry and eggs, as well as olives and olive oil. Combining these fats and proteins with a variety of vegetables and herbs will set you up for a much more tolerable cleansing period.
detox cleanse
3. Limit your Carbohydrate Intake:
Stabilizing your blood sugar during a detox cleanse is the best way to avoid mood swings, cravings and stress and also to suppress your appetite. Both simple and complex carbohydrates stimulate the release of stress hormones and should be avoided. In order to achieve a healthy and successful cleansing fast, prepare your body by eating a low-carb diet for no less than 3 days before you begin your detoxification regime.
4. Drink Fermented Beverages:
Fermented beverages are an awesome way to supplement a cleansing fast with tools your body needs for detoxification. For example, coconut water kefir is loaded with potassium, enzymes, probiotics, and organic acids which stimulate immunity and assist the body in flushing out toxins and waste and healing the gut walls with a healthy balance of intestinal microflora.
5. Allow Additional Time to Sleep:
A successful detox cleanse will leave you feeling fatigued and probably a little bit more moody as your body is focusing on cleansing and healing. Through a cleanse, individuals can begin to feel energized from the fast and may only be able to sleep up to 6 hours at one time. Be sure to take a nap during the day if your schedule allows or leave extra time in your night for receiving sufficient rest.
6. Hydrate with Plenty of Water:
Proper hydration is essential for a healthy cleanse. Drink at least half your body weight of water in ounces throughout a detox. During the summer months especially, drink a minimum of a gallon of purified water. Drink only purified water such as water from a reverse osmosis system. Add back in pink salt for added nutrients in the ratio of approximately ¼ tsp per gallon.
12 ways how to prepare for a detox cleanse
7. Practice Dry Brushing Before You Shower:
Dry brushing is a strategy which stimulates the movement of lymphatic fluid below your skin’s surface. Before you get into the shower, use a light bristle brush and in a circular motion, brush your skin starting with your toes and moving upwards towards your heart.
Then, start from the neck and brush down towards the heart making sure to get all extremities. This gentle detox practice will remove dead skin cells and help open up pores before your shower.
8. Stock Up on Organic Herbal Teas:
Real herbal teas are powerful superfoods containing phytonutrients and antioxidants which promote a healthy cleansing fast. Herbal teas utilize natural immune boosting ingredients such as peppermint, dandelion, and licorice root which enhance the detoxification of the body. Traditional Medicinals makes a variety of herbal teas. One specific tea called “Smooth Move” acts as a laxative to clean the bowels.
9. Avoid High Intensity Exercise:
High intensity exercise such high cardio training or heavy weight lifting causes the body to produce stress hormones which a detox program cannot manage. Instead, it is recommended to engage in low intensity exercise throughout the cleansing fast. Look to participate in 30 minutes of yoga or walk around your neighborhood throughout your detox cleanse.
10. Relax in the Sauna or Natural Sunlight:
Allowing your body to sweat during a cleanse enables your body to detoxify from the inside out through opening up pores. Saunas allow heat to penetrate deep into the skin’s layers and pull toxins to the skin’s surface. If the sun is shining bright and the weather is nice, sitting outside in the sun will not only allow your body to naturally soak in natural vitamin D, but can help relax your mind, boost immunity, and deep clean the toxins from your skin.
11. Invest in a Shower Filter:
You might assume that after you shower you are the cleanest that you can be. However, tap water is contaminated with chlorine and other environmental pollutants of which some are purposely added to our public water supply. Investing in a shower filter is a strategic purchase you can make to avoid unnecessarily contaminating your hair and skin daily.
12. Get Rid of Waste Using Enemas:
Enemas are highly effective strategies are removing waste matter as well as toxins from the colon. Flushing out the toxins in your colon creates an environment for beneficial bacteria to flourish and stimulate the health of your whole body. Try a wheatgrass juice enema, organic coffee enema, or stick with a simple water enema to flush waste for your colon.

Article Summary

  • Researchers propose that the average person carries more than 700 known toxins in their body within all organ systems including blood, skin, brain tissue, liver, fat tissue and digestive tract. Any one of these toxins may increase the risk of developing chronic illness and cancer.
  • Maximizing health in the 21st century requires periodic cleansing cycles to help clear these toxins from our systems.
  • Before you begin any cleansing fast or body detox to eliminate the contaminants you’re carrying, here are 12 ways you can prepare to get the most benefit from your cleansing strategy:
    1. Get Your Mind Right
    2. Eat Healthy Protein and Fats
    3. Limit your Carbohydrate Intake
    4. Drink Fermented  Beverages
    5. Allow Additional Time to Sleep
    6. Hydrate with Plenty of Water
    7. Practice Dry Brushing Before You Shower
    8. Stock Up on Organic Herbal Teas
    9. Avoid High Intensity Exercise
    10. Relax in the Sauna or Natural Sunlight
    11. Invest in a Shower Filter
    12. Get Rid of Waste Using Enemas

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