Friday 28 October 2016

Grainflamation, Food Toxicity, And Microbes

What you eat has a direct impact on your health. You’ve probably heard this for most of your life, but what you might not have heard is how what you eat impacts the health of your mind, too.
Just like eating the wrong foods can affect individual organs of your body, eating certain foods can have a tremendous detrimental effect on your mind. It’s vital to understand what foods have these effects and to eliminate or greatly curtail them in your life.
Don’t underestimate the power of food when it comes to your mental health.
Learn what you need to eat and what foods you should avoid to maintain a healthy mind.
Most people have heard of “leaky gut syndrome,” but have you ever heard of “leaky brain syndrome?”
Leaky brain syndrome is caused when the blood brain barrier is weakened and the elements of your bloodstream are free to wreak havoc on your brain. The result is antibodies and inflammatory compounds attacking the brain, and there is also potential for infection.
Some of the potential problems associated with leaky brain syndrome are migraine headaches, multiple sclerosis, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, seizure disorder, neuropathy, depression, ADD/ADHD and autism and other developmental diseases.
Learn how what you are eating every day could be putting you at risk for leaky brain syndrome.
You don’t have to live with inflammation: there are functional medicine testing options and natural remedies to treat inflammation.
You can find remedies for inflammation in nature, especially in food. There are all kinds of foods that may contribute to the reduction of inflammation throughout your body.

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